Monday 1 October 2007

Long Time No Speak.....

Well I apologise for the lack of posts from me but things have been pretty hectic here. My weight is stuck but I do have a valid excuse......

I am due on 12 April although could be before that if I have an elective section or 2 weeks after that if I try (read am made) to have a natural birth. Had my scan today and all is well.

I shall try posting more regularly however the weight loss is taking a back seat for the moment.


Stuart Wilson said...

Well, I know we've said it to you before, but from myself, Michelle and Kieran........... CONGRATULATIONS to the both of you!!

Em's way said...

Congratulations !!! Hope all goes smoothly xxxx

Nancy Jensen said...

Congrats Gemma! How exciting! I hope your pregnancy goes well and that you have another healthy baby.

The best part of being pregnant... 9 months of fat without guilt! haha! But seriously, I hope you gain the proper amount of weight and are able to lose it right after having the baby.

debbie said...

oh wow,, mega congratulations Gemma, thats great news to read.. hope everything goes smoothly for you,,
Debbie (joshua;s mummy